A very simple early morning routine – how I get my alone time as an introverted, mum of two, who works full time
Here’s my simple early-ish morning routine (no 5am wake-ups here!) that helps me start the day right as an introverted, mother-of-two who works full time.

Discussing all things living and working in Germany on the Berliner Zinner podcast
You can hear me being interviewed about work, family, and life in general as an expat in Germany on the Berliner Zinner podcast!

A different kind of gift guide: minimalist-minded gifts for all budgets - Part 3 Gifts for Children
Today I’ve got some gift ideas for the little ones in your life. From books to toys, we’re keeping everything minimal and fun. Read on for loads of specific present ideas for kids up to around six years old.

The boy speaks: what my late-blooming son taught me about deep acceptance
My second son did not utter one word until he was 18 months old. Read on to discover how I managed my anxiety about his development, and found some practical resources to encourage him to start communicating.

When they say, ‘it gets better’ (guest post)
Today, we have Dalia back for another guest contribution. This piece focusses on her experience of the first few months of motherhood and the lessons she has learned.

10 Lessons I’ve learned in four (+) years of motherhood
My eldest son turned four recently, so I decided to write about ten lessons I’ve learned over the four plus years I’ve been a mother.

Reclaiming my alone time as an introverted parent
An article of mine has been published on the blog Introvert, Dear. Here I describe the challenges I faced having my second son at the onset of the pandemic, and the simple strategies I used to reclaim my alone time during this challenging period.

Easing my pandemic baby into the 'new normal'
My second son was born a mere two weeks before the world turned upside down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Germany has begun easing back into a ‘new normal’ following a seven-month-long winter lockdown, I’ve started noticing the impact of the isolation and stress on my son’s development. Here are some strategies I’m using to expand his comfort zone and make up for lost time.

Fertility challenges as an expat in Germany (interview with Rin)
I had the pleasure of interviewing Rin about her experiences facing fertility challenges in Germany as an expat. Read on for her story and advice to others who may be in a similar situation.

The emotional aftermath of an emergency c-Section (guest post)
Here, Dalia has written a beautiful piece describing the conflicting emotions surrounding how the birth of her son unfolded.

Experiences in making and growing a family abroad
Head over to Global Mobility Trainer where I discuss various aspects of ‘global parenting’ with Anna.

The pandemic has heightened the maternal wall - what can we do about it?
Head over to The Egalitarian to read my guest post about how the pandemic has heightened the maternal wall even further + what we might be able to do about it.
A letter to my new mother self
Here I’m starting off a series of a range of new mother stories. This is my letter to my new-mum self, where I reflect on the difficult initial night after my first son was born.

On muses and writing - How my son reunited me with my creative self
Exciting news! A creative non-fiction piece I wrote has been published on Dear Damsels. Inspired by their muse theme, here is the story of how my firstborn reunited me with my creative self and brought me back to writing.

Why you should be wary of pregnancy message boards and my list of resources that might reduce your anxiety
If you’re pregnant then you’ve probably come across a pregnancy message board at some point. Here I take a look at the allure of these forums, as well as their dark side, and offer some resources that might be less anxiety-inducing.

Births that are sprints rather than marathons: My precipitous (rapid) labor experiences - preparation and recovery
Are you pregnant for the first time? Do you expect your labor to be long? I did too, until my first son arrived rapidly. Since then I’ve had another precipitous birth. Here we’ll discuss what they’re all about, how you can prepare for the prospect of one, and how you can recover.

Having a baby in Germany: the bureaucratic experience - checklist of all the things to do from pre-positive test to registering your new baby (let's try to simplify this!)
Do you find yourself pregnant in Germany? Here I have made a detailed checklist of all the bureaucratic tasks that need to be completed - from pre-positive test to registering your baby. Let’s simplify this process!

15 awesome, thoughtful gifts for the new mother (or father) that you may not have thought of
Do you know someone who’s just about to have a baby? Show how awesome you are by also remembering to get them (and not just their new baby) a thoughtful gift. Here are some ideas (catering to all budgets) that you may not have thought of.

A letter to my pandemic baby
Here is a personal letter to my baby, who was born two weeks before the World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 pandemic and the world turned upside down.
What will the long-term psychological consequences of the pandemic be for babies and young children?

How I got my babies to sleep through the night - lessons learnt from two very different sleepers (what worked and what didn't)
Struggling to get your baby to go to sleep and stay asleep? Read this in-depth study of my two babies with two very different sleep personalities. Find out what techniques worked and what didn’t from a parent who’s been there.