On muses and writing - How my son reunited me with my creative self

My firstborn - wearing his shirt upside down.

My firstborn - wearing his shirt upside down.

Exciting news! A creative non-fiction piece of mine has been published on Dear Damsels.

If you're interested in reading something more on the creative side of things compared to what you find here, grab a cup of tea, get comfy, click the link below, and read my piece called 'Spark'.

Here’s a little teaser - but head over to Dear Damsels to read the full piece.

Here’s a little teaser - but head over to Dear Damsels to read the full piece.

It's for their current theme, ‘Muse’. I wrote about the ways my firstborn reunited me with my creative self.

A special bonus: at the bottom of the piece there's an option to listen to my voice recording of the piece - so you can hear me in all my Australian-accented glory. Note: this was incredibly scary, but a great way to improve accessibility of the writing (so I'm all for it!).

If you haven't heard of Dear Damsels before, then here's a little about them and why you should check them out:

  • They're a publishing platform and writing collective for any writer who identifies as a woman, run by Bridie and Abby.

  • Every couple of months they release a new 'theme' and call for submissions.

  • They then choose pieces to be published online - but they give feedback to everyone who submits. Therefore it's a really great platform to submit to if you would like some feedback on your work! I found the whole process - from thinking about what to write, to getting feedback, and seeing my piece published - to be a really powerful confidence boost and rewarding experience. Bridie and Abby were also extremely generous in their email exchanges and were very warm and nurturing.

  • They have additionally published some print books and collections (and have more in the works).

  • You can also find them on Instagram - where they post little fragments of writing, support for writers, and announce their upcoming themes.

Dear Damsels Logo.png

Do you have a muse or someone/thing that sparked your creativity?

If you’re a creative writer: Do you submit to publications like Dear Damsels? If so, leave your ideas in the comments below!

There are many stories behind this piece. If you liked ‘Spark’, you might also enjoy:

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