Motherhood Together

Stories, advice, and resources about pregnancy and early motherhood in one place.jpg


What I originally thought would be a mere few blog posts about pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood, has rapidly become something much more.

As this lovely community has grown, I’ve had many conversations with other mothers about their experiences of various aspects of pregnancy and early motherhood. Some generous women have agreed to share some of their stories and advice. I also have many more of my own to add to the mix. Please get in touch if you have any stories to share!

I think this calls for a new subsection of the more broad ‘Parent Life’ category, specifically focussed on pregnancy and early motherhood. Of course these posts will still appear in the ‘Latest’ tab and in the ‘Parent Life’ category as they are published, but this page is all about gathering these motherhood stories, advice, and resources in one place (and in some kind of logical order). As you can imagine, this page will be constantly added to and continue to evolve.

My hope is that if you’re a mother-to-be or a new mother in need of some help or advice, you can come to this nurturing little nook at any time (including when you’re questioning everything at 3am in a sleep-deprived haze) and draw on the varied experiences of some of the many many mothers that have come before you. 

What you can expect

Some of these stories will be raw accounts of experiences (such as the new mother letters, inspired by those collected in the book ‘The Motherhood’), while others will be more advice-based - with concrete next steps and resources.

No matter the form, you can expect honest and vulnerable, yet hopeful accounts.

I will also gather links to other resources (eg books, videos etc) so that they are all in one place.

Why ‘motherhood together’?

Because motherhood can be lonely.

Jamila Rizvi in her introduction to ‘The Motherhood’ says:

“Sharing the load with one another isn’t something that we’re used to. Help doesn’t happen because the community doesn’t offer and those who need it don’t ask. In times gone by, the upbringing of children was everyone’s joy and everyone’s responsibility. The trials and tribulations of life with a newborn, a baby, a toddler, and even a teenager, were made easier because they were shared. They were made easier because women did them together.”

I have to agree - motherhood has become a somewhat lonely enterprise. It is made all the more difficult with restrictions put in place to curb the pandemic, as well as the fact that many people (like me) do not live near close friends and family. Even if you do, you possibly don’t feel 100% comfortable asking for help, or may not have faith that the people in your immediate vicinity could actually help you.

This page is all about doing this thing called motherhood together and learning from each other.

You are not alone - Welcome to motherhood together.

I would love to hear your stories!

Do you have a story relating to any aspect of pregnancy (including pre-pregnancy), birth, postpartum and early motherhood that you would like to share here on Life Inspiration File? If so, then please reach out to me - I would love to hear from you. Feel free to also get in touch if you have any resources to share, or even just simply want to chat!

Rebecca Sparrow in ‘The Motherhood’

Rebecca Sparrow in ‘The Motherhood’

Eleanor Roosevelt in ‘You Learn by Living’

Eleanor Roosevelt in ‘You Learn by Living’

Lisa Woodruff in ‘The Mindset of Organisation’

Lisa Woodruff in ‘The Mindset of Organisation’


Everything I’ve ever used and found to even be only smidge helpful is listed here + some recommendations from other mothers.





  • The Birth Partner, Penny Simkin (a really detailed book that I found extremely useful - especially since I didn’t end up going to any birth preparation classes!)

  • Birth with Confidence, Rhea Dempsey (this is a useful book if you are considering an unmedicated labour)


Early Motherhood

  • The Motherhood, Jamila Rizvi (I refer to this book a lot! But for good reason: it’s a collection of letters written by mothers to their new-mother selves. A fantastic read for the end of pregnancy or the early days to make you realise that you are not alone)

  • My Wild and Sleepless Nights, Clover Stroud (a ‘mother memoir’ that I thoroughly enjoyed reading in the first few weeks after my second son’s birth)

  • Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year, Anne Lamott (haven’t read this one yet, but have read other books by her. From my experience, I would expect a frank account of early motherhood)

  • The Baby Sleep Book, Sears’ (overall, worth a read - but I took bits and pieces and left other advice)

  • The Gentle Sleep Book, Sarah Ockwell-Smith (I found lots of good ideas in here. I would recommend reading a few different sleep books though)

  • The No-cry Sleep Solution, Elizabeth Pantley (Again, this had lots of good ideas. Especially if you don’t want to try cry-it-out methods)

  • The Wonder Weeks, Frans X Plooij and Hetty van de Rijt (I found it useful to try to predict my baby’s fussy behaviour and deal with it, but overall - I didn’t feel like it all really lined up as neatly as the book made out. Main message: your baby will go through developmental leaps and will be ‘fussy’ during these periods. But these periods are short-lived!)

  • Mayo Clinic Guide to Your Baby’s First Year (A good information-filled book to have for reference)

  • Cribsheet - A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool, Emily Oster (the early parenting equivalent of Expecting Better - using data and research to make decisions about parenting)

  • Bright From the Start, Jill Stamm, Paula Spencer (research-backed advice for nurturing your developing baby and toddler. Lots of great ideas in here)

  • I know how she does it, Laura Vanderkam (all about managing work and parenthood. I read it during my first maternity leave and found it to be life-changing)


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