Reclaiming my alone time as an introverted parent

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An article of mine - "8 Ways to Reclaim Your Alone Time as an Introverted Parent" - has been published on Introvert, Dear.

In this piece I describe what happened to my mental health when I had my second son in February 2020 (hint: it went out the window), and what small and simple strategies I used to reclaim it during this challenging time.

It may on the surface seem like a pretty niche topic - perhaps you're saying, 'but I'm not an introvert' or, 'I'm not a parent'. But I would say, introvert or not and parent or not, the pandemic has forced many of us into dealing with each other in close confines. So, whether you're wrangling toddlers or living with housemates, here are some strategies to use to ensure you get your alone time.

And, if you're an introvert, check out the plethora of articles on Introvert, Dear - a blog (and community) for introverts. They have articles (written by introverts) covering every aspect of how to thrive in life as an introvert.

Head over to Introvert, Dear to read articles written by and for intro

Head over to Introvert, Dear to read articles written by and for introverts.

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