35 things I love

Budapest is one of my favourite cities.

Budapest is one of my favourite cities.

I turned 35. Although it's not really a milestone birthday, it kind of feels like it to me. At least so far, it seems that my thirties is the decade where things are really taking off: I have a much clearer idea of who I am and what I like, I'm no longer studying, I'm cultivating a career I really love, I found my way back to writing, I became a mother, I've read the most books I've read in my life....I could go on. So, my point is, being halfway through this decade feels pretty significant.

I originally wanted to commemorate this birthday and this time with a post about life lessons, but I thought this list of my favourite things/things I love would be more fun (and less pressure for me!). Plus, I will be including lessons and ideas in here as well. I guess this list will cover the whole gamut of life (well, my life).

Here goes - I hope you discover some new things that might become favourites of yours as well!

1) Book that got me back into reading and that I still think about often: A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara (I read it in the months after my first son was born, in a severely sleep-deprived state. The story was so engaging that I would spend afternoons reading it while trying to keep my son napping on my chest).

Julia Cameron The Artists Way.jpg

2) Recently discovered quote that is quite the game-changer for me: 'Leap and the net shall appear' (from The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron).

3) City that I could really see myself living: Budapest, Hungary (if you haven't been there: go).

4) Favourite activity on a lazy weekend at home: Reading a good book (see this list here for my 2020 favourites).

5) Signature colour (yes, I think everyone should have one - it definitely simplifies decision-making in lots of areas): navy blue.

6) Making lists, getting things done, and the satisfaction of crossing out items.

7) Quote that I often think about: 'Today's struggle brings tomorrow's success' (said by the lady who owns the biggest Chinese Restaurant in the world - my husband and I used to watch a TV show all about how she runs her massive restaurant).

8) Some things I strive to be: multifaceted and earnest.

9) Uncluttered spaces.

10) Activity that makes me feel most fulfilled and that I'm doing the exact right thing: writing (you can read all about why I started writing again here).

11) Italian concept that has changed the way I do things (and makes me enjoy cleaning a little) - Bella Figura.

12) The best black tea: Luxury Gold from Marks and Spencer (drunk medium strength with milk - no sugar).

Waking up to freshly fallen snow in Munich.

Waking up to freshly fallen snow in Munich.

13) Life-changing advice: 'Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.' Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning.

14) The feeling of small (sometimes seemingly insignificant) habits growing into much bigger outcomes. (‘In an "all-or-nothing' world, we tend to forget the power of something. The mightiest tree sprouts from a vulnerable seed’ - Ryder Caroll, The Bullet Journal Method).

15) High-waisted, dark blue denim, skinny jeans (it’s taken me a long time to realise that I like the comfort and security of a high-waist).

16) Simple, classic clothing that has fun little embellishments.

17) A book that I couldn't help but read passages out loud to my husband: This must be the place, Maggie O'Farrell.

18) A book I didn't expect to enjoy as much as I did, and to remain with me as much as it did: The Dutch House by Anne Patchett.

19) My favourite science-y book: Spillover, David Quammen(it’s about zoonotic viruses, and it’s written in the most captivating way. Even non-scientists will enjoy his remarkable story-telling).

20) The book that changed my approach to wealth: Money School, Lacey Filipich.

21) Podcast I love and that never fails to inspire me: The Tim Ferriss Show. The guests are amazing, the interviews are long and in-depth, and there are transcripts and copious notes and links for each episode - so you can follow up on anything that seemed interesting.

22) Spring in Melbourne.

23) Autumn in Munich.

Autumn in Munich.

Autumn in Munich.

24) Waking up to a dusting of freshly-fallen snow.

25) A sunset or sunrise viewed from a height.

26) Song that never fails to evoke an emotional response from me: Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen.

27) The satisfaction of going through a lot of mental gymnastics and articulating a complex thought in just the perfect way (in writing). Find one of my favourite articles that I’ve written here.

28) Reinvention. Or, more accurately - discovery, and the capacity to change.

29) Beautiful and evocative writing: example: "Anyone could hear her voice was worn to the contours of apology" (Peace Like a River, Leif Enger). And another: "Two hours later, she stirs awake. We crowd around her, hear the single deep inhale pull down her lungs, as if she was about to dive underwater, and then, that's it - no exhale. She simply stills, like someone had pressed pause on a movie" (On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong).

An amazing sunset as viewed from the balcony of our first apartment in Munich.

An amazing sunset as viewed from the balcony of our first apartment in Munich.

30) Too many foods to mention: Töltött kaposzta, töltött paprika (Hungarian dishes - actually, I would probably include most Hungarian foods on this list), chocolate cake, cherry pie, pasta (every kind, every sauce), fish and chips, mint chocolate….

31) A movie that makes me cry, example: Steel Magnolias.

32) The jewellery box an old lady who lived next door to my childhood home gave me. See a picture of it here.

33) The kimono I wear as a dressing gown that my then-boyfriend (now-husband) got me for my 21st birthday.

34) The little family my husband and I have created: our two boys, who push me to my limits everyday and force me (willingly, or not) to be better.

35) Everyone who enters my life and inspires me, helps me learn and grow, and provides another example of great human-ness.

Another morning snow photo!

Another morning snow photo!

I hope you found that interesting and discovered some new recommendations! Tell me, what are some of your favourite things?

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