Autumn fun list - Melbourne style

A path surrounded by trees in autumn in Melbourne Australia

I’ve been finding it tricky to get back into completing writing projects after my long hiatus from the blog (and from writing in general), so I’ve decided to break the seal with a simple list. Forgive me if the writing is a little rough - I just feel like I need to get this first piece out of the way and get into my writing routine again. I’m convinced that better writing will come!

If you’ve spent some time here at Life Inspiration File, you may have come across my Winter Adventure List 2021/2022, my bucket list of sorts before leaving Germany (which I called home for six years) and returning ‘home’ to Australia. It seems I really love the colder months because I tend to feel the urge at the end of summer - when I’m over the heat and the summer dresses and sticky films of sunscreen - to start concocting warm plans for autumn and winter.

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere and are just skipping into spring, then check out these two articles (here and here).

This year, things will be a little different. Although I spent autumn and winter in Melbourne last year, I felt melancholic most of the time; constantly comparing it to winter in Germany. Melbourne winter was absent of snow, Christmas, Glühwein….it all just felt wrong. I was annoyed by how cold I felt inside in my Melbourne apartment (with the lack of insulation, it barely felt warmer than outside). This year, however, I’m determined to enjoy the colder months here in Melbourne. I feel there has been enough distance from my time in Germany that I’m ready to embrace autumn and winter Australia-style (whilst bringing in all I’ve learned about hygge from living in Europe, of course!).

So, without further ado, and in no particular order, here’s my 2023 Autumn fun list - Melbourne style. Note: between writing and publishing this article, I’ve managed to do some things on this list! (Yay!)

Reading ‘My Hygge Home’ by Meik Weiking

I bought a hard copy as a last minute Christmas gift for myself. Knowing it would feel wrong to read it during the sweltering Australian summer, I tucked it onto my bookshelf ready for when the leaves start falling, and the morning air becomes a little crisp. I read it a couple of weeks ago and was happily reminded of all the beautiful ways I can add a big dose of cosiness to my life during these cold months.

Autumn leaves

I feel like autumn isn’t really autumn until I’ve seen some spectacular colour. The first few hits after typing ‘Autumn in Melbourne’ into Google, brings up some lists of the best places to view autumn leaves, including some that are not too far away - Royal Botanic Gardens, Fitzroy Gardens, and Carlton Gardens. As well as The University of Melbourne, which will be so easy to visit since I have to walk through the uni to get to the 3-year-old’s daycare.

Puffing Billy

Speaking of the 3-year-old: he is absolutely obsessed with trains. I knew this was a ‘thing’ but I didn’t experience it with my eldest son who was much more interested in dinosaurs. Anyway, there’s an old steam train (called ‘Puffing Billy’) that runs through the Dandenong Ranges (a mountain range just outside of Melbourne) and I’ve never actually been on it (neither have my sons). So, while the 3-year-old is still train obsessed, we’re going to take a ride on Puffing Billy and hopefully see some beautiful autumn leaves along the way.

Enjoying being outside more

The heat is often too much for me (plus I worry about getting sunburnt), so I prefer to spend more time outside in the cooler months. I’ve been attempting to do Gretchen Rubin’s ‘Go outside 23 in 2023 challenge’. As the name suggests, the challenge is to spend 23 minutes outside every day in 2023 - even if it’s just simply sitting outside. You would think this would be relatively easy, but I’ve already had many missed days - mostly when it’s been too hot or when I had COVID. I’m determined to reinvigorate this challenge as the days become cooler - really looking forward to those crisp sunny days where I can find a park bench and perhaps even enjoy some tea!

The fashion

I reached the point a few weeks ago where I became ready to swap out my summer dresses for cosy knits. Getting dressed each day was becoming harder and harder as I ‘felt’ like I had nothing to wear. I’d also been wearing a few things that are really on their last legs - like the sandals that have walked me around Europe that have felt like they might break any day.

I finally completed the great seasonal wardrobe swapover. My autumn/winter clothes, which were previously located under my bed are now taking pride of place in my wardrobe, while my summer clothes are tucked safely away until spring. 

Sidenote: if you’re interested in reading about the lessons I learned when I stopped buying clothes, then head here.

Re-learning to drive (and perhaps even getting a car)

So, I used to drive back in 2015, before we left Germany. In Munich, we soon realised with the extremely well-connected public transport system, that there was really no need for us to get a car (plus I was petrified by the prospect of driving on the other side of the road!). Fast forward and it is now 2023 and we are back in Australia and I have not driven a car in over seven years! To say that I’m apprehensive about driving would be putting it lightly. I know that once I get into the swing of it that it’ll all come back to me (plus, now I’ll be driving automatic rather than manual so it really should be a walk in the park, comparatively). I’ve decided to start back again (and hopefully overcome some of my fears) with some driving lessons.

We don’t really need a car for our day-to-day lives - public transport is basically right at our door and we live really close to the city - but it will be nice to be able to go to faraway places on the weekend and visit friends and family who don’t live close to public transport.

Go and see a movie with my five year old

I have actually managed to tick this item off the list, although it went so well that now I want to make going to the cinema a more regular thing. (We saw Super Mario Bros by the way, and it was surprisingly good). Can you believe that before seeing this movie that I hadn’t been to the cinema since before he was born? That’s over 5 years! We bought popcorn and brought lollies from home and I just sat down and forgot about everything else - it was great. A perfect rainy autumn day activity.

More artist dates/creative activities

Since doing Julia Cameron’s ‘The Artist’s Way’ in 2021 (read my reflections here), I’ve been wanting to continue the habit of weekly artist dates. If you haven’t read the book, an artist date is a chance to spoil your inner child, doing something that you are drawn to. It’s akin to filling your creative well so that you have more creative energy for your art (or even, life). I like to think of it as a kind of self care and I believe that everyone should attempt some artist dates on a regular basis, whether you are an artist or not. Basically, I know they’re good for me and I know they make me feel amazing, so I want to try to incorporate some artist dates into my routine. Some of my ideas are: drawing/painting/doing something creative that I don’t normally do, foraging around my area for cuttings to put in vases, planting sowing seeds of winter-tolerant plants, painting my nails, playing around with fashion and having a bit of fun with it, taking more photos and printing more photos.

That’s my autumn fun list (so far!). What’s on yours? (Or on your spring list if you are looking to the warmer months?). And what’s your favourite season? Let me know in the comments below.

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