The 7 Day Self Nurture Challenge
Want to join me for a fun challenge to end 2021 on a positive note?
And perhaps even start 2022 with a slightly more expansive mindset?
2021 has been...a year (perhaps a tough year, perhaps a gruelling year even, or maybe a pretty good year. Or, most probably, a year filled with a mix of a lot of things).
Regardless of your situation, I will bet that you have not over-dosed on self-nurturing (if you have, good for you - tell me your secrets!).
Enter: The Seven Day Self-Nurture Challenge.
The challenge is simple:
Do something - even the most minuscule thing - just for yourself, every day for a week.
My gift to you:
I will send a little daily email with ideas, motivation, quotes, and resources - basically, a little fun to keep you on track. Of course, it is completely free (hence, gift).
The result:
The wonderful feeling of having done a bunch of nice things for yourself. Maybe the inspiration to continue on doing more nice things for yourself. Entering 2022 feeling like you've just given yourself a big warm hug, and a fresh perspective.
Want in?
Enter your details below to sign up for this FREE challenge! I will be sending an email a day for nine days: from the 12th December until the 20th December.
(FAQ: What if the timing doesn’t work for me? 1. You can save these emails and do the challenge at a time of your choosing (therefore it is still very worthwhile to sign up!). 2. I will be giving you PLENTY of simple ideas so that you can nurture yourself no matter what situation you are currently in – even if you just have a few minutes to yourself).
I hope you will join me for this fun little adventure.
Note: filling in this form will also subscribe you to my email list. I send out a monthly Inspiration Round-up to my email subscribers. It’s full of lots of fun and resources – I hope you enjoy those as well.