Some reasons for commenting….

If you've read (or skimmed!) an article here on Life Inspiration File and have gotten something out of it, then please write a comment (it can be simple or detailed).

Every single comment helps guide what I write, where I focus my energy, and improves this blog for you.

I don't want this to be a one-way street, but rather a two-way conversation: I have written a lot about the importance of telling our stories and so I want you to know that your voice counts (and I want to hear what you have to say!).

I used to be the type of person who read a lot, watched a lot, listened to a lot but never made a comment. It was not until after I started this blog that I started commenting and began to realise the benefits of responding and taking part in the conversations:

  1. I realised in putting myself out there (by writing a blog myself), that I had been doing a disservice to those out there creating things when I didn't comment or let them know how much their work meant to me. It takes a certain kind of bravery to make something and send it out into the world (I realise this now, more and more), but all that fear and work feel worth it when people respond to what you've done.

  2. Commenting and taking part in conversations builds community, and once you start being part of a like-minded community life starts to feel that much more lighter and joyful.

  3. You can help to guide what goes on here at Life Inspiration File and tailor this blog to your interests and needs.

Still too shy to comment publicly? That's ok! Just reach out to me privately instead, here or over on Instagram - I'd love to hear from you.

My commitment to you: unless this blog starts getting millions of comments (in which case, I may have to modify this), I make a commitment to respond to every comment, every email, every message.

So, what are you waiting for? Click back to the article you were reading and write a comment!

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